Thanksgiving Eve - Philippians 4:10-13
Contentedness is Thankfulness - Philippians 4:10-13
Pastor David Strucely's Thanksgiving Eve sermon on Philippians 4:10-13.
Book of Philippians, Thanksgiving, contentment, thankfulness, repentance, salvation, gospel, good news, Texas, Lutheran, Plano, WELS, Wisconsin Synod, Atonement, love, hope, peace, grace, Jesus
We Live in the Kingdom of the Son - Colossians 1:13-20
We Live in the Kingdom of the Son - Colossians 1:13-20
Pastor David Strucely's sermon on Colossians 1:13-20. We live in the kingdom of the Son, who shines as the Image of the Invisible God and rules as the Head of the Body.
Book of Colossians, eternal life, repentance, salvation, gospel, good news, Texas, Lutheran, Plano, WELS, Wisconsin Synod, Atonement, love, hope, peace, grace, Jesus
Our God is the God of the Living - Luke 20:27-38
He is the God of the Living
Pastor David Strucely's sermon on Luke 20:27-38. Our God is the God of the Living—both now and forever!
Gospel of Luke, resurrection, eternal life, repentance, salvation, gospel, good news, Texas, Lutheran, Plano, WELS, Wisconsin Synod, Atonement, love, hope, peace, grace, Jesus
You are Perfectly Safe - 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10
Pastor David Strucely's sermon on 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10.
You are perfectly safe from persecution and trials; from God’s judgment of sinners.
The Truth Sets You Free - Romans 3:19-28
The Truth Sets You Free
Pastor David Strucely's Reformation Sunday sermon on Romans 3:19-28.
Book of Romans, Reformation, Luther, Apostle Paul, guilt, pride, freedom, repentance, salvation, gospel, good news, Texas, Lutheran, Plano, WELS, Wisconsin Synod, Atonement, love, hope, peace, grace, Jesus
Rejoice with the Angels in Heaven - Luke 15:1-10
Rejoice with the Angels in Heaven
Pastor David Strucely's sermon on Luke 15:1-10. Rejoice with the angels in heaven because Jesus has found you and because Jesus is finding others.
Two are better than one; three are better than two. - Ecclesiastes 4:7-12
Christ and You; Christ and His Body
Book of Ecclesiastes, loneliness, community, salvation, gospel, good news, Texas, Lutheran, Plano, WELS, Wisconsin Synod, Atonement, Love, hope, peace, grace, Jesus.
God Gives Us the Gifts that Keep on Giving - 2 Corinthians 9:10-15
God Gives Us the Gifts that Keep on Giving - 2 Corinthians 9:10-15
Book of 2 Corinthians, forgiveness, gifts, giving, generosity, salvation, gospel, good news, Texas, Lutheran Plano, WELS, Wisconsin Synod, Atonement, love, hope, peace, grace, Jesus
The Almighty’s Angels are Your Aides - Revelation 12:7-12
The Almighty’s Angels are Your Aides
Pastor David Strucely's sermon on Revelation 12:7-12.
Book of Revelation, angels, protection, forgiveness, repentance, cross, salvation, gospel, good news, Texas, Lutheran, Plano, WELS, Wisconsin Synod, Atonement, love, hope, peace, grace, Jesus