God Gives More Than Enough

Right now, we are crying out of the depths to our Lord (Psalm 130:1). People are struggling. Many are sick. Some are out of work. Anything else that's happening to you at the moment seems magnified a thousand times because help is being dedicated to this pandemic. That's the problem, isn't it? There's not enough. Enough help. Enough space in your house. Enough money to tide you over until this passes.

 Thankfully, we can go to the one who is more than enough for us. The apostle John writes in the first chapter of his Gospel, "Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given." It's hard to capture what John is saying here in English. I like to picture it this way. Imagine you're holding a teacup. It's dry. It's empty. It's even a little dirty. When God came to you through his Word for the first time, he filled your cup up with his grace. But he's not a waiter waiting for you to say, "When." He keeps filling your cup from his bottomless pitcher. The water begins to flow over the sides of your cup. And he just keeps pouring. The water gushes. All the dirt of your sin and your sickness flow out, too. And even when you think this is more than enough, God keeps pouring grace onto you through his Word and sacrament. "Grace in place of grace."

 This is the God who gives more than enough. He gives more than enough forgiveness to cover all of your sins. The one who provides enough to pull you through this pandemic, to get you past your personal crises, to satisfy your every need. "Put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption" (Psalm 130:7).


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