Jesus Makes Us Real Friends


This devotion is provided by WELS Congregational Services.

Wealth attracts many friends,
    but even the closest friend of the poor person deserts them.

Proverbs 19:4

Fast money brings fast friends. When the money is gone, so are they. Did you ever experience this as the kid with the new toy or the first friend with a car? When a newer toy came along or others got their cars, you were not as interesting. Friendships forged solely on money tend not to last.

The quest for money and what it can buy are too often the goals for many people. The apostle Paul says we are in the world, but not of this world. Jesus made us different—citizens of heaven (Philippians 3). That changes our view of money and friends.

How do we use wealth as God wants? How can we be real friends? Paul quoted Jesus in Acts 20, “It is better to give than to receive.” Look at Jesus. He joyfully put his Father’s will and work first in his life. He was a true friend to everyone he met. He showed no favoritism. He spoke the truth in love. He healed physically and spiritually. He gave rather than received, even giving his own life for all, for you and me. God sees us as perfect because of Jesus’ life and innocent death which paid for times we’ve acted like this world—wowed by riches, showing favoritism to those with it, looking down on those without.

Jesus paid for our sin. God’s forgiveness in Jesus sets us free. This proverb reminds us to be different from this world because Jesus has made us his real friends, citizens of heaven. Put God first in use of wealth. Be a true friend. We provide for the priorities God has placed in our lives—giving to him, giving what we owe to the government, caring for our family, and using our wealth to help others.

Because Jesus gave all, our life becomes more about giving than receiving. Our wealth stays in our hands for good use and not in our hearts. Only Jesus has first place in our hearts. God brings true friends, true family in Christ as we and others get to know God’s love more and more. Real friends give like Jesus, who gave all to bring us to heaven. What a friend!

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David Strucely