It's a Gift. Share It Freely!


This devotion is provided by WELS Congregational Services.

Freely you have received; freely give.

Matthew 10:8b

Maybe you had one too—an uncle or aunt who never failed to bring a gift when they visited. Maybe it was a box of expensive kids’ cereal your mom would NEVER get, a whole sleeve of candy bars, or a bunch of pies that would disappear in a few minutes. But the gift would come with a caveat usually understood but sometimes spoken, “Share this with your siblings.” It was a gift meant to be shared by more than one.

Jesus gave his disciples a gift—a mission to share the good news of Jesus and the power to do it. Jesus equipped them with all they would need for their mission. If they lacked something, God would provide it through other people. Jesus sent them out with these words ringing in their ears, “Freely you have received; freely give.”

As we consider living life shrewdly, isn’t that the best motivation? It begins with recognizing the things we call our own are really gifts from our gracious God. God always takes care of us, through normal channels or the miraculous, and teaches us something about his faithfulness in the process. That means our possessions, finances, time, and talents are not to be held with clenched fists and furrowed brow shouting, “Mine!” How much time have we wasted doing that! How many relationships have been strained or opportunities in our lives or the church missed because of our selfishness! No, all we have is for God’s glory and for the good of our neighbor.

To live a shrewd life is to recognize the mercy and grace of God who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all. He suffered for our sins and selfishness to earn our complete forgiveness, peace with God, and eternity in heaven. Jesus rose from the grave with power and authority. He is the one who will be with us and provide our every need. He gave forgiveness to us freely, eternal life freely, and everything we have freely, and he continues to give! These are gifts to share! We give back to him in thankfulness to support his work among us. We share ourselves, his message, what we have with our families, our neighbors, all who need it. They are all gifts from a gracious God. Share them freely.

“Freely you have received; freely give.”

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David Strucely